Friday, May 28, 2010

Comfort food

I'm bad. Despite a fridge full of fresh veggies, I am sick again this week so I turned to comfort food.  By comfort, I mean food that has proven never to make me sick and even tends to calm the acid stomach.

So, I was able to keep up with my yogurt and fruit breakfasts

and one day I had a latte and cookies for a snack (don't judge! my tummy hurts)

Then, I was super considerate of my neighbors in cubeville (not!) and actually  popped a can of Kippers to eat with rice cakes for lunch
Did I take the can to the kitchen trash after I was done, you ask? No, I didn't feel up to walking that far.  Some of my coworkers think I have questionable personal hygiene and possibly am in need of antibiotics now, as the smell lingered all afternoon!

For dinner I had my happy standby, tater tots and marinara for dipping, plus a random cherry tomato that needed to be rescued from the giant Romas trying to steal its self esteem (don't tell me you don't make up stories about inanimate objects!)

Today I have managed to eat a tub of greek quinoa throughout the day.  yeah, I packed it in the feta container, so what? It's green y'all!

and right now, I'm snacking on a  bowl of frozen cherries because I'm dying for a little something sweet

If I have dinner, it will no doubt be leftover tater tots from yesterday, possibly covered in cheese. Unfortunately, as I write this the woozy mounts...

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