This was possibly the least healthy thing I have had in...years. Rightly so since it was basically annihilating my no dairy rule. I was feeling brave, what can I say?
So, I got the recipe here:
It was part of my grand freezer-purge so, I defrosted the package of spinach in the microwave...
Chopped up my can of artichoke hearts...
Stirred in all the goopy ingredients in a casserole large enough to fit (2 quarts)...
Put it in the oven (this picture is just to show off how clean it is)...
And of course, something had to fall on the floor...
When it was all done it looked like this...
But I had to cook it longer because I'm at a high altitude and then it was done. The End.
Don't try this if you have any dairy sensitivity at all, unless you like drinking Pepto Bismol 3 times a day, like I do. Ha ha. Plus, it was bland but then again I've never really been a dip kind of girl.